Thursday, September 13, 2012

She Might Just Be an Introvert!

Introverts. Don't we all think of people who are shy and never really have much to say as introverts?...actually, they're not like that at all. In reality introverts are just people who, although can be very social and emotionally intelligent, are a bit more concentrated with their own little world. Introverts are energized when they are alone because it's their way of re-charging, which is most definitely true for me. And they enjoy conversing about ideas and concepts.
 Nobody enjoys loneliness but as an introvert myself I find the most at peace in the solitude of silence that comes when you find yourself alone. Silence in the heart, the mind, and the emotions. It's my little oasis amidst so much going on in the world and a great way to harness that is through yoga. Although being either an introvert or extrovert is associated with personality it does NOT mean you're anti-social, unfriendly, shy, or afraid of people. Simply that you enjoy life with a different view than others and you march to your own drum.
So the next time you run into you're awkward neighbor sitting on the edge of her roof having tea, don't be too quick to judge...she might just be an introvert :)

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